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College Station Monthly Summary: April 2001

April 2001 brought little precipitation to the Brazos Valley with the monthly total resulting to only 0.24", 3.14" below the normal. The yearly total, however, is only 0.90" below normal with a total of 10.33" of precipitation. Temperatures were above normal for most of the first half of April with 4 days reaching 10°F above normal and a new record maximum temperature of 90°F on the 15th was 12°F above normal. A warm front swept through the Brazos Valley in the beginning of April, bringing warmer temperatures until the 10th, but only 0.03" of precipitation. On the 11th, a cold front brought in slightly cooler temperatures and 0.06" of total rain. Another cold front, which brought moderately cooler temperatures, went through College Station on the 15th and brought no precipitation. The cooler temperatures continued until the end of the month when a cold front came through on the 23rd and brought 0.15" of rain to the Brazos Valley.

  Daily Temperature Daily Precipitation Monthly Temperature Summary
Day Maximum Minimum *Departure Total Mean Value *Departure
1 78°F 49°F ‑2°F   Maximum 81.1°F +2.8°F
2 76°F 64°F +5°F   Minimum 61.0°F +3.0°F
3 82°F 71°F +12°F 0.03" Average 71.0°F +2.8°F
4 80°F 70°F +10°F T Degree Days Total *Departure
5 83°F 69°F +10°F T Heating 12 ‑27
6 83°F 70°F +10°F   Cooling 203 +68
7 80°F 65°F +6°F   Numberof Days: Total *Departure
8 84°F 70°F +10°F   Maximum ≥ 90°F 1 0
9 85°F 71°F +11°F   Maximum ≤ 32°F 0 0
10 84°F 72°F +11°F   Minimum ≤ 32°F 0 0
11 75°F 61°F +1°F 0.05"  
12 82°F 61°F +4°F 0.01" Monthly Precipitation Summary
13 86°F 64°F +7°F   Precipitation Value *Departure
14 86°F 71°F +10°F   Monthly Total 0.24" ‑3.14"
15 90°F 70°F +12°F   Year-to-date Total 10.33" ‑0.90"
16 86°F 67°F +8°F   Days ≥ 0.01" 4 ‑3
17 70°F 53°F ‑8°F T  
18 70°F 49°F ‑10°F   Monthly Extremes
19 77°F 51°F ‑5°F   Extreme Value Date(s)
20 79°F 66°F +4°F T Highest Temperature 90°F 15th
21 86°F 65°F +6°F   Lowest Temperature 46°F 25th
22 82°F 71°F +8°F   Max. 24-hour Precip. 0.26" 23rd
23 76°F 59°F ‑2°F 0.15" Maximum Wind Gust 31 mph 22nd
24 77°F 54°F ‑6°F T  
25 80°F 46°F ‑8°F   Record Book for April
26 82°F 47°F ‑6°F   Highest Temperature 96°F 1933
27 81°F 48°F ‑6°F   Lowest Temperature 28°F 1973
28 83°F 52°F ‑4°F   Highest Minimum 75°F 1994
29 84°F 51°F ‑4°F   Lowest Maximum 42°F 1938
30 86°F 53°F ‑2°F   Wettest Month 12.50" 1957
  Driest Month 0.08" 1984
  Wettest 24 Hours 5.17" 1969
"T" indicates daily precipitation ≤ 0.005".
BOLDFACE indicates an extreme daily value for the month.
ITALICS indicates a daily record was set or tied.
*Departure from the 1961‑1990 normal.

*New Records Set

Day Parameter Value Old Record Year
3rd Tied highest minimum temperature 71°F 71°F 1929
9th Tied highest minimum temperature 71°F 71°F 2001

*Near Records Set

Day Parameter Value Record Year
4th Tied 2nd highest minimum temperature 70°F 73°F 1923
6th Tied 2nd highest minimum temperature 70°F 71°F 1922
8th Tied 3rd highest minimum temperature 70°F 73°F 1922
10th Tied 2nd highest minimum temperature 72°F 74°F 1922
14th Tied 3rd highest minimum temperature 71°F 74°F 1922
15th Tied 2nd highest minimum temperature 70°F 71°F 1967
15th Tied 2nd highest maximum temperature 90°F 91°F 1914
18th Tied 4th lowest maximum temperature 70°F 67°F 1939
25th Tied 3rd lowest minimum temperature 46°F 37°F 1910
26th Tied 3rd lowest minimum temperature 47°F 42°F 1910
27th Tied 4th lowest minimum temperature 48°F 47°F 1928
29th Tied 4th lowest minimum temperature 51°F 44°F 1916
*NOTE: Records from 1910 through July 1951 are based on observations taken at the Texas Agricultural
Experiment Station main farm located 7 miles SW of College Station. Records from August 1951 through
the present are based on observations taken at Easterwood Field.

May Normals for College Station

Beginning of the month: 81°F/62°F Monthly precipitation: 4.80"
Middle of the month: 84°F/65°F Precipitation days: 8
End of the month: 87°F/68°F Days ≥ 90°F:  6
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