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Texas Climate Report: March 1999

Texas was divided into two areas when it came to temperature for the month of March. Areas in South and extreme West Texas were barely above normal in their daily mean temperatures while areas in the Panhandle and North Texas experienced slightly below temperatures. The range of temperature departures from normal throughout the state was quite small however, with all first-order stations falling between -1.2°F and +3.3°F for their respective departures. El Paso was the only station to receive below normal precipitation for the month. The 18 other first-order stations throughout Texas all received more precipitation for March than is normally expected.

The first few days of March saw extremely warm temperatures across Texas. The high temperature reached 93°F in Del Rio on the 1st, while Corpus Christi shattered the record high temperature on the 2nd when the mercury rose to an unbearable 98°F. From the 7th to the 13th mostly dry weather persisted across extreme Southern and Western Texas. The 8th however did see strong storms over the eastern half of the Lone Star state. Dallas and Fort Worth were just two of the many areas that experienced flooding as the storms passed over the region.

Two squall lines also passed over Central and Eastern Texas on the 12th and 19th. As the storms went by there were numerous reports of hail and wind damage along with reports of possible tornadoes in the affected counties. Little or no rain fell, however, across extreme southern Texas, where spring planting was being delayed because of the excessive dryness.

Finally as March drew to a close, the much-needed rain (2.00" to 4.00") fell on extreme Southern Texas. On Saturday the 27th, a vigorous low-pressure system moving east across Northern Mexico generated torrential rains across South Texas. Corpus Christi, Del Rio, and Laredo all broke their daily record rainfall amounts when each city measured 2.07", 1.64", and 1.97" respectively. San Antonio's rainfall total (1.44") was their highest single-day total since October 18, 1998. 2.51" of rain were reported at Brownsville on the 28th which wound up being their third-wettest March day on record.

Monthly Summary for Selected Cities

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) TAVG (°F) PRCP *Deg. Days
Station Mean *Dep. Max. Mean *Dep. Min. Mean *Dep. Days ≥ 0.01" Mo. Total *Perc. Norm. Gr'st 24 hr. *HDD *CDD
Abilene 65.5 ‑3.4 82 44.2 +0.9 31 54.8 ‑1.3 5 2.92 215% 1.29 312 4
Amarillo 58.9 ‑2.7 81 33.6 +0.9 22 46.3 ‑0.8 4 1.35 141% 0.73 573 0
Austin 71.9 87 52.8 +1.7 40 62.3 +0.8 10 4.09 219% 1.67 118 39
Brownsville 79.8 +1.4 91 62.1 +3.0 44 70.9 +2.1 6 3.01 568% 2.53 9 200
College Station 71.5 +0.5 85 51.2 +1.5 31 61.4 +1.1 9 4.13 160% 2.11 138 35
Corpus Christi 77.9 +2.2 98 58.6 +3.3 43 68.3 +2.7 7 2.20 234% 2.10 37 146
Dallas‑Fort Worth 65.9 ‑1.9 81 46.9 +1.3 31 56.4 ‑0.3 11 2.84 103% 1.52 263 4
Del Rio 76.6 +0.9 93 53.6 +2.7 38 65.1 +1.8 5 1.89 274% 1.64 63 72
El Paso 72.5 +2.6 83 43.4 +3.2 30 58.0 +2.9 1 0.04 14% 0.04 218 8
Galveston 70.7 +4.0 77 59.6 +2.9 43 65.2 +3.5 10 1.87 84% 0.65 55 67
Houston 74.5 +3.4 85 52.9 +2.9 32 63.7 +3.1 9 3.44 118% 1.06 106 73
Lubbock 62.4 ‑3.6 84 37.7 +1.3 28 50.0 ‑1.2 6 1.03 116% 0.74 462 4
Midland 69.0 ‑2.2 88 42.7 +2.5 25 55.9 +0.2 3 1.22 210% 0.77 285 8
Port Arthur 71.6 +0.1 84 53.5 +2.2 35 62.6 +1.2 7 3.44 106% 2.51 104 36
San Angelo 69.3 ‑3.3 84 45.2 +1.7 28 57.2 ‑0.9 6 2.32 255% 1.41 240 8
San Antonio 73.5 91 51.8 +2.1 32 62.6 +0.9 12 3.48 229% 1.69 109 45
Victoria 74.1 +0.4 88 54.5 +1.7 34 64.3 +1.0 10 3.41 220% 1.69 91 75
Waco 67.2 ‑2.4 82 47.4 +0.6 31 57.3 ‑0.9 12 3.15 135% 1.05 233 2
Wichita Falls 63.2 ‑3.2 79 41.4 +0.8 29 52.3 ‑1.2 8 6.29 285% 3.15 388 0
Shreveport, LA 66.5 ‑2.7 79 46.2 +0.4 32 56.3 ‑1.2 15 5.10 142% 1.67 261 0
Bold-italics indicate a value broke or tied the record from a previous year.
*Dep.: Departure of the monthly average temperature from the 1961-1990 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Perc. Norm.: Monthly precipitation total divided by 1961-1990 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Deg. Days: Computed daily as the departure of the daily average temperature from 65°F and aggregated over the entire month.
*Heating degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a -1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.
*Cooling degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a +1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.

mar 1999 average temperatures
mar 1999 average precipitation

Monthly Extremes

Least Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours (inches)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value

New Monthly Records

Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
GRAHAM YOUNG 6.48 5.98 (1990) 93
ACKER RCH MCMULLEN 5.22 4.79 (1990) 18
BIG WELLS 2W DIMMIT 5.19 5.00 (1990) 75
BRADY MCCULLOCH 4.21 3.84 (1997) 67
CARTA VALLEY EDWARDS 4.01 3.59 (1994) 32
CHANNING 2 HARTLEY 4.09 3.16 (1973) 16
CHARLOTTE 5 NNW ATASCOSA 4.37 2.97 (1983) 37
COPE RCH REAGAN 3.10 2.74 (1968) 47
DELL CITY 5 SSW HUDSPETH 1.17 0.55 (1993) 18
DILLEY FRIO 4.65 4.15 (1926) 84
ELGIN BASTROP 5.47 5.25 (1983) 38
FLORESVILLE WILSON 5.37 4.69 (1926) 79
FOWLERTON LA SALLE 4.99 4.81 (1997) 71
HARPER 1W GILLESPIE 5.49 4.70 (1997) 55
JACKSBORO JACK 7.57 5.12 (1968) 57
KATY WOLF HILL HARRIS 6.85 4.65 (1993) 22
LAKE KEMP BAYLOR 4.08 3.27 (1998) 30
LAMPASAS LAMPASAS 6.36 6.23 (1970) 102
LANGTRY VAL VERDE 2.12 2.01 (1945) 47
LITTLEFIELD LAMB 2.57 2.07 (1973) 31
LLANO LLANO 6.98 6.27 (1926) 99
MCCAMEY UPTON 2.14 1.99 (1973) 65
MENARD MENARD 4.47 4.14 (1900) 92
MONAHANS WARD 1.31 1.23 (1987) 37
MORTON COCHRAN 3.47 2.41 (1958) 52
MUNDAY KNOX 5.16 3.89 (1968) 85
NIX STORE 1 W LAMPASAS 6.19 4.99 (1981) 48
OLNEY 5 NNW ARCHER 5.55 5.12 (1985) 52
OZONA CROCKETT 3.67 2.54 (1998) 46
PALO PINTO PALO PINTO 7.90 6.56 (1979) 49
PANDALE 1 N VAL VERDE 3.24 3.05 (1998) 46
PEARSALL FRIO 5.06 4.52 (1935) 90
PERSIMMON GAP BREWSTER 1.25 0.73 (1990) 15
PLAINS YOAKUM 3.87 3.00 (1929) 59
SAM RAYBURN DAM JASPER 11.76 8.90 (1979) 32
SEYMOUR BAYLOR 5.72 4.43 (1945) 81
STAMFORD 1 JONES 3.23 3.13 (1973) 74
STOCKDALE 6N WILSON 4.66 3.74 (1983) 24
STRAWN 8 NNE PALO PINTO 6.66 6.62 (1979) 48
TOW LLANO 5.45 5.22 (1983) 20
WOODSON THROCKMORTON 6.20 3.75 (1998) 12
ZAPATA 1 S ZAPATA 2.86 2.84 (1985) 36
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours Ever in the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
ACKER RCH MCMULLEN 3.58 2.80 (1990) 18
ALPINE BREWSTER 1.35 0.75 (1967) 72
BOQUILLAS RS BREWSTER 0.55 0.46 (1983) 47
BRACKETTVILLE 22 N KINNEY 1.84 1.78 (1997) 19
CALLIHAM MCMULLEN 2.40 1.86 (1994) 20
CHANNING 2 HARTLEY 2.25 0.80 (1979) 16
CHARLOTTE 5 NNW ATASCOSA 2.43 2.00 (1994) 37
DAVILLA MILAM 2.50 2.50 (1995) 47
DELL CITY 5 SSW HUDSPETH 0.76 0.55 (1993) 18
ELGIN BASTROP 2.90 2.35 (1992) 38
FLORESVILLE WILSON 3.40 3.04 (1994) 79
FT STOCKTON PECOS 1.47 1.00 (1970) 54
GRANGER WILLIAMSON 2.95 2.40 (1968) 29
HARPER 1W GILLESPIE 2.65 2.49 (1970) 55
JASPER JASPER 5.10 5.01 (1990) 54
JOURDANTON ATASCOSA 2.84 2.73 (1994) 56
KATY WOLF HILL HARRIS 2.80 2.08 (1983) 22
LEXINGTON LEE 2.60 1.99 (1980) 40
LITTLEFIELD LAMB 1.42 1.10 (1969) 31
LLANO LLANO 5.29 2.76 (1968) 99
LYTLE 3 W MEDINA 2.22 2.18 (1992) 23
MCCAMEY UPTON 1.84 1.51 (1973) 65
MONAHANS WARD 1.10 0.91 (1987) 37
MORTON COCHRAN 1.93 1.38 (1969) 52
MUNDAY KNOX 2.25 1.96 (1938) 85
OLNEY 5 NNW ARCHER 3.36 2.69 (1985) 52
OZONA CROCKETT 2.35 2.00 (1995) 46
PERSIMMON GAP BREWSTER 1.25 0.60 (1983) 15
PINELAND SABINE 4.19 2.93 (1994) 23
PLAINS YOAKUM 2.77 2.10 (1929) 59
POTEET ATASCOSA 3.00 2.87 (1994) 53
RIO GRANDE CITY STARR 2.66 2.45 (1953) 91
SAM RAYBURN DAM JASPER 9.04 4.14 (1994) 32
TEAGUE RCH GILLESPIE 2.94 2.68 (1998) 50
THREE RIVERS 8 NE LIVE OAK 2.40 1.70 (1994) 11
TOLEDO BEND DAM NEWTON 5.95 4.59 (1977) 24
WOODSON THROCKMORTON 2.82 1.91 (1998) 12
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
EAGLE MTN LAKE TARRANT 53.8 55.0 (1987) 18
Highest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
CHOKE CANYON DAM LIVE OAK 67.5 67.3 (1997) 15
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
EAGLE MTN LAKE TARRANT 65.8 66.3 (1993) 18
Highest Maximum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
DEWEYVILLE NEWTON 87 86 (1997) 12
ORANGE 9 N ORANGE 87 86 (1997) 12
Lowest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
EAGLE MTN LAKE TARRANT 41.7 42.5 (1987) 18
Highest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
FALCON DAM STARR 61.7 60.1 (1985) 37
PERSIMMON GAP BREWSTER 47.6 47.5 (1985) 16
ROBSTOWN NUECES 59.6 59.5 (1997) 40
SANTA ROSA 3 WNW HIDALGO 60.6 60.4 (1992) 13
YSLETA EL PASO 44.7 44.7 (1995) 54

Climatic Averages for April

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) PRCP (inches) No. Days in Month Deg. Days
Station Avg. Record Avg. Record Avg. Gr'st Mo. Gr'st 24 hr. ≥ 90°F ≤ 32°F PRCP ≥ 0.01" HDD CDD
Abilene 77.8 102 (1925) 52.9 25 (1973) 1.90 9.80 (1890) 4.63 (1914) 2.9 0.4 5.8 94 106
Amarillo 71.5 98 (1989) 42.1 13 (1920) 0.99 6.45 (1997) 2.68 (1911) 1.0 3.5 4.9 266 20
Austin 79.4 99 (1939) 59.8 30 (1926) 2.56 19.82 (1915) 10.00 (1915) 1.7 0.0 6.9 28 166
Brownsville 84.0 102 (1984) 66.5 37 (1903) 1.56 10.35 (1991) 9.37 (1991) 3.5 0.0 3.4 0 312
College Station 78.3 98 (1893) 58.0 28 (1973) 3.38 12.50 (1957) 5.30 (1953) 0.5 0.1 6.9 39 135
Corpus Christi 81.7 102 (1984) 63.2 33 (1987) 1.72 8.04 (1956) 7.19 (1956) 1.9 0.0 4.8 9 234
Dallas‑Fort Worth 76.3 100 (1925) 54.7 29 (1989) 3.50 17.64 (1922) 8.81 (1922) 1.0 0.2 7.6 75 90
Del Rio 83.4 106 (1984) 59.2 33 (1987) 1.98 7.51 (1981) 4.57 (1969) 6.7 0.0 5.2 14 203
El Paso 78.7 98 (1989) 48.0 23 (1983) 0.20 2.24 (1931) 1.08 (1966) 2.0 0.9 1.5 110 62
Galveston 73.5 92 (1953) 65.0 38 (1938) 2.43 11.04 (1904) 9.23 (1904) 0.0 0.0 5.1 16 145
Houston 78.4 95 (1987) 58.1 31 (1987) 3.21 10.92 (1976) 8.16 (1976) 0.8 0.1 6.9 36 135
Lubbock 75.4 100 (1989) 46.7 18 (1920) 0.97 6.18 (1915) 2.18 (1997) 1.7 1.5 4.4 161 44
Midland 79.8 101 (1996) 49.4 20 (1973) 0.83 3.59 (1931) 2.00 (1931) 3.7 0.7 3.1 108 96
Port Arthur 78.3 94 (1987) 59.5 32 (1987) 3.51 15.30 (1973) 10.09 (1973) 0.3 0.0 6.1 32 149
San Angelo 81.2 107 (1925) 52.7 23 (1926) 1.67 5.10 (1977) 3.32 (1971) 5.0 0.6 4.9 70 130
San Antonio 80.3 101 (1996) 58.4 31 (1987) 2.50 11.64 (1915) 6.78 (1915) 2.1 0.0 7.3 32 161
Victoria 80.2 100 (1920) 61.0 33 (1987) 2.41 11.70 (1997) 9.87 (1991) 1.0 0.0 5.8 15 183
Waco 78.0 101 (1963) 56.2 27 (1975) 3.19 13.37 (1957) 5.09 (1957) 1.5 0.2 7.0 66 129
Wichita Falls 75.8 102 (1972) 50.3 24 (1975) 3.01 8.50 (1957) 4.09 (1967) 2.5 0.7 6.8 125 68
Shreveport, LA 77.1 96 (1887) 54.1 31 (1989) 3.75 21.84 (1991) 10.44 (1991) 0.1 0.2 8.2 69 87
Climatic averages are based on 1961-1990 monthly normals, which are provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
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