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Texas Climate Report: June 2000

During June, many portions of Texas (10 out of 19 first-order stations) experienced below-normal temperatures. The monthly mean temperature in Lubbock was 3.2°F below average. Only three temperature records were set or tied, with two of these occurring in Midland, and only three stations reached 100 degrees (Del Rio, El Paso, and Midland). Many parts of the state also received above-normal precipitation (11 out of 19 first order stations). El Paso had the greatest positive departure with 366% of their normal rainfall amount, and Lubbock received the most precipitation with 8.48".

June began with warm temperatures for much of the state. On the 2nd, a cold front extending from a low pressure system in the Midwest moved into Texas. This front stalled in the middle of the state before moving through on the 6th, triggering showers and thunderstorms, and lowering temperatures into the 80s during this time period. On the 4th, a tornado was reported near Weatherford, and portions of North Central Texas experienced flooding. Temperatures quickly warmed back into the 90s for much of the state on the 7th and 8th. This, combined with moist air from the Gulf of Mexico, contributed to the formation of more showers and thunderstorms from the 9th to the 11th.

On the 13th, a cold front from the northwest moved just slightly into Texas, bringing precipitation to the western and central parts of the state. On the 16th, another cold front moved into the Panhandle and stalled, dropping temperatures into the upper 60s and 70s. On the 17th, Amarillo recorded a high temperature of only 66°F, and on the 18th, Midland set a record low maximum temperature when they recorded a high of 72°F. This front also brought more rain to the western and central portions of Texas. Heavy rains and flooding occurred on the 18th in parts of Val Verde and Edwards counties.

Temperatures once again reached into the 90s for most of the state on the 20th, and remained there for the rest of the month. Two cold fronts reached the Red River area on the 20th to the 21st and the 26th to the 29th. However, they had little effect on temperatures and precipitation as both fronts stalled in North Texas.

Monthly Summary for Selected Cities

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) TAVG (°F) PRCP *Deg. Days
Station Mean *Dep. Max. Mean *Dep. Min. Mean *Dep. Days ≥ 0.01" Mo. Total *Perc. Norm. Gr'st 24 hr. *HDD *CDD
Abilene 87.1 ‑4.3 96 69.5 +0.6 60 78.3 ‑1.9 10 5.48 192% 2.99 0 406
Amarillo 82.9 ‑4.7 96 61.2 +0.5 53 72.0 ‑2.1 10 5.54 150% 1.65 9 225
Austin 90.6 ‑0.5 96 72.8 +1.3 63 81.7 +0.4 8 5.27 142% 1.39 0 506
Brownsville 92.6 +1.6 96 75.9 +1.0 71 84.2 +1.2 5 0.85 31% 0.60 0 585
College Station 90.2 ‑0.1 96 72.1 +1.1 61 81.2 +0.5 10 2.53 69% 0.76 0 490
Corpus Christi 90.1 ‑0.3 94 73.8 +0.4 69 81.9 8 2.61 77% 1.58 0 515
Dallas‑Fort Worth 89.0 ‑2.9 95 72.3 +2.3 59 80.6 ‑0.4 13 5.93 199% 2.46 0 475
Del Rio 93.2 ‑0.4 101 74.4 +2.7 71 83.8 +1.1 12 4.38 208% 2.65 0 572
El Paso 92.1 ‑4.4 101 68.4 +4.1 62 80.2 ‑0.2 9 2.45 366% 0.89 0 463
Galveston 87.9 +2.9 89 78.6 +1.4 69 83.2 +2.1 8 1.11 25% 0.52 0 554
Houston 90.4 +0.3 95 72.3 +1.7 61 81.3 +0.9 11 3.29 66% 1.54 0 495
Lubbock 84.1 ‑5.9 99 63.9 ‑0.4 55 74.0 ‑3.2 13 8.48 308% 3.51 4 281
Midland 88.7 ‑4.7 100 68.7 +3.0 62 78.7 ‑0.9 7 3.14 203% 1.66 0 418
Port Arthur 89.7 +0.3 93 73.0 +1.0 63 81.4 +0.7 8 2.59 46% 1.58 0 500
San Angelo 89.2 ‑3.5 97 71.0 +4.6 62 80.1 +0.6 9 3.44 148% 1.28 0 461
San Antonio 89.4 ‑2.4 94 72.6 65 81.0 ‑1.2 11 7.61 200% 2.08 0 487
Victoria 90.8 +0.1 95 73.2 +0.5 66 82.0 +0.3 10 4.42 90% 1.98 0 518
Waco 88.3 ‑3.7 94 72.1 +1.2 57 80.2 ‑1.3 12 7.60 232% 3.27 0 460
Wichita Falls 88.2 ‑3.3 99 69.2 +1.2 58 78.7 ‑1.1 11 3.63 103% 1.13 0 419
Shreveport, LA 87.5 ‑2.2 93 70.7 +1.7 58 79.1 ‑0.3 14 7.32 171% 2.75 0 429
Bold-italics indicate a value broke or tied the record from a previous year.
*Dep.: Departure of the monthly average temperature from the 1961-1990 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Perc. Norm.: Monthly precipitation total divided by 1961-1990 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Deg. Days: Computed daily as the departure of the daily average temperature from 65°F and aggregated over the entire month.
*Heating degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a -1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.
*Cooling degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a +1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.

jun 2000 average temperatures
jun 2000 average precipitation

Monthly Extremes

Least Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours (inches)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value

New Monthly Records

Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
LUBBOCK INTL AP LUBBOCK 8.48 7.95 (1967) 90
SULPHUR SPRINGS HOPKINS 19.99 8.26 (1951) 86
MINERAL WELLS AP PALO PINTO 10.30 8.90 (1989) 45
ALEDO 4 SE PARKER 11.37 9.69 (1989) 38
ALVARADO 4NE JOHNSON 10.23 6.89 (1989) 13
ANDREWS ANDREWS 7.11 5.61 (1979) 43
BURLESON JOHNSON 13.33 8.55 (1989) 16
CALLIHAM MCMULLEN 8.24 8.02 (1981) 21
CHALK MTN ERATH 9.37 8.82 (1986) 38
CHOKE CANYON DAM LIVE OAK 8.23 7.47 (1987) 17
CLARKSVILLE 2NE RED RIVER 11.32 9.90 (1962) 93
CLEBURNE JOHNSON 15.30 10.03 (1961) 88
COLEMAN COLEMAN 12.86 10.71 (1997) 101
COOPER DELTA 10.59 8.94 (1987) 52
COPPER BREAKS SP HARDEMAN 11.34 8.55 (1995) 11
CRESSON 3NW HOOD 15.81 10.22 (1989) 52
CROWELL FOARD 10.30 9.27 (1992) 82
DEKALB BOWIE 11.89 9.60 (1974) 50
EMORY RAINS 12.59 11.50 (1992) 46
FARMERSVILLE HUNT 17.17 11.02 (1951) 53
HAGANSPORT FRANKLIN 13.95 9.54 (1981) 83
ITASCA HILL 9.56 8.06 (1945) 16
KOPPERL 5 NNE HILL 14.51 7.43 (1951) 13
LAKE FORK RSVR WOOD 14.03 9.64 (1992) 12
LAVON DAM COLLIN 14.59 10.18 (1989) 49
LIPAN PALO PINTO 10.30 8.47 (1961) 50
MERIDIAN BOSQUE 11.35 9.92 (1989) 18
MORGAN 3 WNW BOSQUE 15.37 8.95 (1989) 32
MT VERNON FRANKLIN 16.50 10.68 (1989) 35
NAVARRO MILLS DAM NAVARRO 12.05 10.53 (1973) 38
PAINT ROCK CONCHO 11.00 9.55 (1992) 80
PAMPA 2 GRAY 11.16 8.88 (1989) 37
PANDALE 11 NE VAL VERDE 8.14 5.07 (1997) 18
PENWELL ECTOR 4.35 3.99 (1972) 45
RANSOM CANYON LUBBOCK 6.46 4.54 (1999) 13
ROCKWALL ROCKWALL 11.50 9.32 (1973) 57
STAMFORD 1 JONES 9.40 9.27 (1961) 81
TURKEY HALL 9.95 9.67 (1941) 44
VALENTINE 10 WSW PRESIDIO 6.28 5.55 (1986) 69
WACO DAM MCLENNAN 8.96 7.89 (1973) 29
WAXAHACHIE ELLIS 13.49 9.94 (1928) 102
WEATHERFORD PARKER 11.73 9.53 (1989) 98
WHEELER WHEELER 10.79 8.01 (1989) 22
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours Ever in the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
JUNCTION KIMBLE CO AP KIMBLE 4.40 3.91 (1948) 24
SULPHUR SPRINGS HOPKINS 7.02 5.62 (1928) 86
MINERAL WELLS AP PALO PINTO 5.23 3.31 (1962) 45
ALEDO 4 SE PARKER 6.90 4.20 (1966) 38
ALVARADO 4NE JOHNSON 4.92 3.40 (1995) 13
BROWNWOOD 2ENE BROWN 6.60 5.90 (1988) 97
BURLESON JOHNSON 7.50 5.00 (1993) 16
CALLIHAM MCMULLEN 4.50 3.40 (1983) 21
CHANNING 2 HARTLEY 2.20 2.16 (1967) 22
CHOKE CANYON DAM LIVE OAK 3.40 2.30 (1987) 17
CRESSON 3NW HOOD 11.08 4.16 (1966) 52
FARMERSVILLE HUNT 6.65 4.71 (1951) 53
KOPPERL 5 NNE HILL 4.58 2.40 (1995) 13
LAKE FORK RSVR WOOD 4.23 3.50 (1992) 12
LIPAN PALO PINTO 4.00 3.67 (1958) 50
PAMPA 2 GRAY 3.39 2.86 (1993) 37
PANDALE 11 NE VAL VERDE 4.14 2.86 (1982) 18
RAINBOW SOMERVELL 6.00 6.00 (1986) 64
RICHARDSON DALLAS 3.50 3.43 (1951) 48
SONORA SUTTON 4.23 3.00 (1978) 58
WHITNEY DAM BOSQUE 5.65 5.32 (1981) 51
YSLETA EL PASO 1.93 1.62 (1966) 61
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
PEARSALL FRIO 76.3 77.4 (1979) 44
POTEET ATASCOSA 74.6 77.8 (1993) 51
Highest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
ALVIN BRAZORIA 84.8 82.7 (1990) 33
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
VAN HORN CULBERSON 88.2 89.2 (1992) 42
ASPERMONT STONEWALL 87.2 87.2 (1997) 37
CAMP WOOD REAL 87.2 87.4 (1987) 36
COLORADO CITY MITCHELL 86.8 87.7 (1919) 59
COPPER BREAKS SP HARDEMAN 88.2 89.0 (1989) 12
EAGLE MTN LAKE TARRANT 86.6 87.7 (1989) 19
FAIRFIELD 3 W FREESTONE 86.6 87.0 (1997) 29
GARDEN CITY GLASSCOCK 87.0 87.4 (1986) 31
GUTHRIE KING 86.0 87.5 (1997) 36
KENT 8 SE JEFF DAVIS 84.5 87.8 (1988) 12
MATADOR MOTLEY 84.0 84.1 (1982) 47
PANHANDLE CARSON 81.4 82.0 (1989) 38
POTEET ATASCOSA 84.4 87.8 (1993) 53
ROSCOE NOLAN 85.0 85.9 (1987) 62
ROTAN FISHER 86.4 87.9 (1997) 38
SIERRA BLANCA 2 E HUDSPETH 87.2 89.1 (1895) 35
TURKEY HALL 84.8 85.2 (1982) 28
Highest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
ALVIN BRAZORIA 96.4 93.8 (1911) 34
Highest Maximum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
ALVIN BRAZORIA 103 103 (1911) 34
Lowest Maximum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
ARANSAS WR ARANSAS 78 78 (1992) 40
CARTA VALLEY EDWARDS 72 77 (1968) 34
FLORESVILLE WILSON 75 75 (1973) 37
POTEET ATASCOSA 70 72 (1973) 53
ROTAN FISHER 67 71 (1985) 38
Lowest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
POTEET ATASCOSA 64.8 66.7 (1995) 54
Highest Minimum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
LONGVIEW 11 SE RUSK 82 79 (1976) 24
CONROE MONTGOMERY 84 80 (1998) 73

Climatic Averages for July

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) PRCP (inches) No. Days in Month Deg. Days
Station Avg. Record Avg. Record Avg. Gr'st Mo. Gr'st 24 hr. ≥ 90°F ≤ 32°F PRCP ≥ 0.01" HDD CDD
Abilene 95.2 110 (1978) 72.7 54 (1911) 2.09 7.95 (1938) 3.81 (1911) 26.1 0.0 5.0 0 589
Amarillo 91.7 106 (1940) 65.5 51 (1990) 2.62 7.59 (1960) 4.74 (1982) 21.1 0.0 7.7 0 422
Austin 95.0 109 (1954) 73.9 57 (1924) 2.04 12.80 (1919) 9.56 (1919) 27.8 0.0 4.9 0 605
Brownsville 93.3 102 (1939) 75.7 58 (1901) 1.90 9.43 (1976) 4.25 (1976) 27.3 0.0 5.3 0 605
College Station 93.8 110 (1917) 73.4 52 (1903) 2.29 9.30 (1902) 5.09 (1968) 26.7 0.0 5.4 0 577
Corpus Christi 93.3 105 (1934) 74.8 64 (1967) 2.39 11.92 (1976) 7.11 (1931) 27.5 0.0 5.3 0 592
Dallas‑Fort Worth 96.5 110 (1998) 74.1 56 (1924) 2.31 11.13 (1973) 5.27 (1933) 27.5 0.0 4.7 0 629
Del Rio 96.2 111 (1960) 74.1 63 (1923) 1.85 13.18 (1976) 6.34 (1975) 28.0 0.0 4.2 0 626
El Paso 96.1 112 (1979) 68.4 56 (1880) 1.54 8.18 (1881) 6.50 (1881) 26.9 0.0 7.8 0 536
Galveston 87.3 101 (1932) 79.2 66 (1910) 3.96 18.74 (1900) 14.35 (1900) 4.3 0.0 7.6 0 567
Houston 92.7 105 (1954) 72.4 62 (1990) 3.60 14.80 (1900) 6.92 (1939) 25.8 0.0 9.1 0 546
Lubbock 91.9 109 (1940) 68.0 49 (1915) 2.37 7.20 (1976) 3.42 (1928) 21.9 0.0 6.4 0 465
Midland 95.4 112 (1989) 68.5 49 (1936) 1.70 8.50 (1991) 5.99 (1961) 25.7 0.0 4.7 0 527
Port Arthur 91.9 108 (1902) 73.7 61 (1990) 5.38 18.71 (1959) 10.56 (1979) 24.1 0.0 11.1 0 552
San Angelo 96.2 111 (1960) 69.1 56 (1990) 1.06 7.21 (1959) 2.95 (1959) 26.8 0.0 4.2 0 549
San Antonio 95.0 106 (1989) 75.0 60 (1905) 2.16 8.29 (1990) 6.97 (1958) 27.4 0.0 4.8 0 620
Victoria 93.5 110 (1939) 74.6 61 (1905) 3.34 13.59 (1990) 8.41 (1990) 27.3 0.0 7.9 0 592
Waco 96.8 109 (1998) 74.4 60 (1994) 1.99 8.95 (1902) 4.49 (1973) 28.4 0.0 4.1 0 639
Wichita Falls 97.2 114 (1980) 72.7 54 (1970) 1.72 11.86 (1950) 3.93 (1950) 28.0 0.0 4.8 0 620
Shreveport, LA 93.0 107 (1998) 72.3 58 (1972) 3.67 25.45 (1933) 12.44 (1933) 25.0 0.0 7.9 0 549
Climatic averages are based on 1961-1990 monthly normals, which are provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
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