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Texas Climate Report: November 2000

After above-normal temperatures for the majority of first-order stations in Texas during the previous four months, November was cooler than normal at every station. Amarillo was the coldest station with a mean temperature of 39.6°F (-6.4°F below normal) and an average minimum temperature below freezing (27.6°F, -4.7°F below normal). Along with below normal temperatures, November also brought excessive rains. All but one first-order station (Brownsville) recorded above normal precipitation. Galveston recorded 14.30" of rain during November, or 424% of the normal monthly precipitation. During one 24-hour period, Galveston recorded 4.30", only surpassed by the 4.58" College Station received during one 24-hour period.

As a result of the excessive precipitation received in November, the majority of Texas has been downgraded from moderate or severe drought conditions to near normal conditions (Long Term Palmer Index from the Climate Prediction Center, NOAA). The lone exception is the Lower Valley, which is still classified as having moderate drought conditions due to below normal November rainfall. According to the 30-day outlook from the Climate Prediction Center, the state should once again receive greater-than-normal precipitation, which will further improve conditions in areas hit hardest by recent drought conditions.

November was an active month as numerous fronts and low pressure systems moved through the state to produce record rainfall amounts in some areas. On the 1st to the 8th, two separate systems moved through Texas, a cold front on the 1st and a low pressure system on the 7th. These two systems produced the majority of the measured rain during the month. Twelve of the nineteen first-order stations in Texas recorded their greatest 24-hour precipitation total for the month during this time period. On the 15th to 16th, another significant cold front pushed through, dropping the high temperatures on the 18th into the 30s for the northern portions of the state.

Monthly Summary for Selected Cities

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) TAVG (°F) PRCP *Deg. Days
Station Mean *Dep. Max. Mean *Dep. Min. Mean *Dep. Days ≥ 0.01" Mo. Total *Perc. Norm. Gr'st 24 hr. *HDD *CDD
Abilene 57.2 ‑9.1 73 38.9 ‑4.5 26 48.0 ‑6.9 12 2.91 197% 0.86 501 0
Amarillo 51.6 ‑8.1 70 27.6 ‑4.7 16 39.6 ‑6.4 6 0.96 139% 0.82 755 0
Austin 64.5 ‑7.3 81 47.3 ‑2.6 33 55.9 ‑5.0 14 7.95 335% 2.17 291 26
Brownsville 77.8 ‑0.5 88 59.3 +0.3 44 68.5 ‑0.2 5 0.41 27% 0.26 66 179
College Station 65.4 ‑4.7 85 46.7 ‑2.7 32 56.0 ‑3.8 18 9.29 295% 4.58 297 35
Corpus Christi 72.5 ‑3.3 88 54.5 ‑1.1 37 63.5 ‑2.2 11 2.27 143% 1.04 146 110
Dallas‑Fort Worth 57.9 ‑8.9 80 41.6 ‑3.8 28 49.8 ‑6.4 13 6.95 303% 2.69 458 7
Del Rio 64.9 ‑6.8 81 47.4 ‑1.6 33 56.1 ‑4.3 11 2.82 307% 1.56 272 13
El Paso 59.3 ‑7.1 70 35.9 ‑2.5 24 47.6 ‑4.8 4 1.06 241% 0.50 513 0
Galveston 69.8 +0.5 84 56.1 ‑2.9 41 63.0 ‑1.2 15 14.30 424% 4.19 145 93
Houston 67.2 ‑5.2 85 48.0 ‑1.6 34 57.6 ‑3.4 16 8.50 224% 2.07 267 51
Lubbock 54.3 ‑8.9 68 32.5 ‑4.0 22 43.4 ‑6.4 7 1.25 167% 0.40 642 0
Midland 57.2 ‑9.0 74 36.8 ‑2.1 27 47.0 ‑5.6 6 0.88 128% 0.41 535 0
Port Arthur 68.2 ‑3.1 84 49.7 ‑1.5 34 59.0 ‑2.2 14 10.27 212% 3.10 232 60
San Angelo 58.8 ‑9.4 73 39.4 ‑3.2 27 49.1 ‑6.3 11 3.08 285% 1.20 471 0
San Antonio 65.9 ‑6.0 82 47.9 ‑0.9 33 56.9 ‑3.5 15 8.58 327% 3.65 269 33
Victoria 69.2 ‑4.2 86 51.1 ‑1.3 36 60.1 ‑2.8 14 5.21 213% 1.42 205 64
Waco 61.2 ‑7.6 83 43.8 ‑2.8 30 52.5 ‑5.2 17 7.76 319% 2.99 387 20
Wichita Falls 55.5 ‑8.7 76 37.8 ‑2.8 26 46.7 ‑5.7 12 5.16 335% 1.88 546 0
Shreveport, LA 61.4 ‑6.6 85 43.8 ‑1.5 28 52.6 ‑4.1 19 9.93 223% 3.21 388 22
Bold-italics indicate a value broke or tied the record from a previous year.
*Dep.: Departure of the monthly average temperature from the 1961-1990 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Perc. Norm.: Monthly precipitation total divided by 1961-1990 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Deg. Days: Computed daily as the departure of the daily average temperature from 65°F and aggregated over the entire month.
*Heating degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a -1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.
*Cooling degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a +1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.

nov 2000 average temperatures
nov 2000 average precipitation

Monthly Extremes

Least Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours (inches)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value

New Monthly Records

Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
LONGVIEW 11 SE RUSK 12.72 10.23 (1985) 26
SAN ANTONIO INTL AP BEXAR 8.58 6.79 (1907) 116
TYLER POUNDS FLD SMITH 12.33 8.81 (1940) 19
JUNCTION KIMBLE CO AP KIMBLE 8.81 3.42 (1957) 24
SULPHUR SPRINGS HOPKINS 16.42 11.77 (1988) 87
ABERNATHY HALE 2.85 2.09 (1984) 58
ALTO 5 SW CHEROKEE 15.56 11.23 (1946) 58
ANDICE 2 SW WILLIAMSON 8.08 5.59 (1982) 30
ANTELOPE JACK 6.30 5.97 (1996) 60
ARCHER CITY ARCHER 6.55 6.15 (1957) 57
ATHENS HENDERSON 11.44 7.69 (1998) 49
BANKERSMITH GILLESPIE 6.02 5.75 (1994) 19
BARDWELL DAM ELLIS 9.83 8.85 (1998) 36
BATESVILLE ZAVALA 7.61 3.56 (1980) 34
BAY CITY WTR WKS MATAGORDA 12.43 11.15 (1965) 62
BAYTOWN HARRIS 12.16 11.42 (1986) 18
BELLVILLE 6 NNE AUSTIN 11.96 9.68 (1985) 20
BERTRAM 3 ENE BURNET 7.00 6.26 (1982) 33
BOQUILLAS RS BREWSTER 1.75 1.71 (1978) 47
BOXELDER 3 NNE RED RIVER 14.20 12.47 (1996) 50
BRADY MCCULLOCH 10.82 3.80 (1968) 64
BREMOND ROBERTSON 8.40 6.84 (1985) 37
BROADDUS 1 NE SAN AUGUSTINE 14.43 11.46 (1957) 53
BULVERDE COMAL 9.90 6.69 (1946) 60
BURKETT COLEMAN 5.82 4.94 (1968) 45
CALDWELL BURLESON 10.45 7.08 (1974) 38
CALLIHAM MCMULLEN 4.52 3.46 (1995) 22
CANTON 5 W VAN ZANDT 10.86 8.13 (1974) 45
CANYON DAM COMAL 11.01 8.44 (1985) 38
CARTA VALLEY EDWARDS 4.22 3.97 (1978) 35
CARTHAGE PANOLA 13.33 12.02 (1987) 49
CENTER CITY MILLS 6.05 5.21 (1963) 38
CENTERVILLE LEON 13.29 8.81 (1944) 63
CHALK MTN ERATH 5.44 5.39 (1963) 38
CHARLOTTE 5 NNW ATASCOSA 5.73 5.68 (1992) 39
CHIRENO NACOGDOCHES 15.05 7.78 (1998) 12
CHOKE CANYON DAM LIVE OAK 6.29 4.43 (1985) 18
CLEVELAND LIBERTY 12.69 12.04 (1998) 46
COMFORT 2 KENDALL 6.64 5.86 (1992) 12
COOPER DELTA 13.10 12.37 (1946) 52
COPPERAS COVE 5 NW CORYELL 6.31 4.20 (1992) 18
COTTONWOOD GILLESPIE 9.39 5.65 (1957) 78
CRANFILLS GAP BOSQUE 5.34 4.64 (1998) 11
CROCKETT HOUSTON 14.47 14.42 (1940) 87
CYPRESS HARRIS 10.07 9.33 (1961) 53
DACUS MONTGOMERY 15.05 12.47 (1998) 46
DAVILLA MILAM 8.26 6.77 (1946) 48
HOUSTON DEER PARK HARRIS 11.67 9.42 (1986) 52
DEKALB BOWIE 14.90 12.09 (1988) 50
DEPORT 4 NW LAMAR 16.85 9.33 (1987) 15
DILLEY FRIO 5.97 4.17 (1980) 86
DOUGLASS 1 S NACOGDOCHES 16.15 7.06 (1998) 12
DRIPPING SPRINGS 6 E HAYS 8.53 7.60 (1987) 16
DUNDEE 6 NNW ARCHER 6.42 6.02 (1934) 71
EDOM VAN ZANDT 12.40 11.89 (1946) 58
ELECTRA WICHITA 7.00 6.87 (1992) 53
ELGIN BASTROP 9.91 8.94 (1974) 39
EMORY RAINS 9.99 9.50 (1946) 51
FAIRFIELD 3 W FREESTONE 12.26 9.33 (1946) 49
FISCHERS STORE COMAL 12.74 6.48 (1946) 98
FLATONIA FAYETTE 8.76 8.03 (1985) 92
FLORENCE 3 SE WILLIAMSON 10.85 6.31 (1972) 34
FREER 18 WNW WEBB 4.96 4.55 (1985) 22
FRISCO COLLIN 9.07 7.07 (1994) 32
GOLD GILLESPIE 6.01 5.07 (1957) 52
GOLDTHWAITE 1 WSW MILLS 7.58 6.18 (1940) 69
GRANGER WILLIAMSON 7.52 6.93 (1978) 32
GUTHRIE KING 4.90 3.43 (1963) 48
HAGANSPORT FRANKLIN 13.57 12.61 (1996) 79
HARPER 1W GILLESPIE 7.44 6.20 (1992) 59
HAWKINS WOOD 10.29 7.64 (1985) 47
HORDS CREEK DAM COLEMAN 6.10 3.91 (1996) 48
HOUSTON HEIGHTS HARRIS 12.19 10.64 (1998) 46
HOUSTON‑WESTBURY HARRIS 13.88 9.21 (1972) 49
HOUSTON SPRING BRCH HARRIS 11.46 9.61 (1998) 42
HOUSTON NWSO GALVESTON 12.14 7.30 (1992) 12
HUCKABAY ERATH 5.78 5.10 (1992) 31
HUMBLE PUMP STN 5 WN SUTTON 5.66 4.65 (1968) 46
HYE BLANCO 8.24 6.39 (1957) 49
INGRAM #2 KERR 8.32 6.56 (1946) 12
JACKSONVILLE CHEROKEE 12.45 11.24 (1969) 39
JAYTON KENT 3.10 2.73 (1968) 46
JOHNSON CITY BLANCO 9.12 7.20 (1987) 28
JUNCTION 4 SSW KIMBLE 9.50 7.75 (1913) 80
KERRVILLE 3 NNE KERR 8.56 5.42 (1992) 27
KOUNTZE HARDIN 13.97 12.74 (1998) 13
LA PRYOR ZAVALA 5.59 3.69 (1943) 67
LAKE FORK RSVR WOOD 11.20 9.14 (1990) 11
LAKE TAWAKONI RAINS 11.95 7.74 (1988) 24
LAKE KEMP BAYLOR 4.66 3.48 (1986) 31
LAVON DAM COLLIN 9.33 7.90 (1952) 48
LEAKEY REAL 5.94 4.45 (1998) 14
LINDEN CASS 12.02 11.65 (1946) 50
LLANO LLANO 8.99 6.50 (1902) 100
LONG LAKE ANDERSON 11.01 9.34 (1974) 29
LUFKIN 11 NW ANGELINA 18.70 12.71 (1986) 18
LUFKIN 2 ANGELINA 20.43 8.05 (1998) 11
LYTLE 3 W MEDINA 7.96 5.09 (1982) 24
MASON MASON 10.19 4.20 (1967) 41
MATHIS 4 SSW JIM WELLS 6.30 6.07 (1969) 37
MAUD BOWIE 15.50 11.28 (1988) 54
MENARD MENARD 7.62 5.09 (1918) 90
MIDWAY 4 NE MADISON 16.96 9.09 (1985) 21
MILLER RCH SAN SABA 7.99 4.86 (1992) 41
MORGAN 3 WNW BOSQUE 7.16 6.41 (1994) 33
MORTON COCHRAN 2.56 2.22 (1986) 57
MULLIN MILLS 7.60 5.54 (1952) 49
NACOGDOCHES NACOGDOCHES 14.68 7.70 (1987) 27
NEGLEY 4 SSW RED RIVER 18.79 11.65 (1978) 49
NEW BOSTON BOWIE 14.07 12.93 (1987) 17
NEW CANEY 2 E MONTGOMERY 11.46 10.03 (1998) 43
NEWTON NEWTON 13.80 10.54 (1987) 17
NIX STORE 1 W LAMPASAS 7.82 5.01 (1992) 46
NIXON GONZALES 9.47 6.34 (1992) 76
NORTHINGTON RCH KENDALL 10.77 6.95 (1992) 15
OAKWOOD FREESTONE 11.01 9.34 (1974) 29
PADUCAH 15 S KING 3.53 3.41 (1992) 28
PAINT ROCK CONCHO 5.05 4.21 (1922) 79
PANDALE 11 NE VAL VERDE 3.13 3.01 (1998) 17
PIDCOKE CORYELL 7.91 5.37 (1990) 16
PINELAND SABINE 11.93 10.57 (1987) 22
PINE SPRINGS CULBERSON 2.68 2.04 (1994) 19
PORT ARTHUR CITY JEFFERSON 9.78 9.12 (1977) 26
RED BLUFF CROSSING SAN SABA 6.06 4.40 (1957) 51
RED ROCK BASTROP 11.04 9.86 (1985) 34
RICHARDS GRIMES 13.59 9.87 (1957) 41
RICHLAND SPRINGS SAN SABA 7.62 3.95 (1986) 46
RICHMOND FORT BEND 12.19 11.48 (1985) 53
RISING STAR 1 S EASTLAND 5.79 4.23 (1957) 54
ROBSTOWN NUECES 8.74 6.20 (1947) 52
ROCKPORT ARANSAS 8.95 7.40 (1998) 42
ROSEBUD FALLS 11.53 10.58 (1985) 26
ROUND MTN BLANCO 6.56 4.25 (1968) 53
ROUND ROCK 3 NE WILLIAMSON 9.07 8.76 (1974) 33
RUNGE KARNES 10.43 6.52 (1934) 99
RUSK CHEROKEE 11.98 11.63 (1946) 58
SAM RAYBURN DAM JASPER 16.58 15.74 (1986) 33
SAN AUGUSTINE SAN AUGUSTINE 13.30 11.44 (1986) 32
SILVER VALLEY COLEMAN 4.40 3.69 (1996) 28
SISTERDALE KENDALL 9.66 6.46 (1992) 10
SLATON LUBBOCK 2.90 2.66 (1957) 52
SPICEWOOD BURNET 7.58 5.25 (1982) 33
SPRING BRANCH 2SE COMAL 10.71 7.72 (1992) 43
STILLHOUSE HOLLOW DAM BELL 8.32 5.66 (1985) 34
TARPLEY BANDERA 5.67 3.94 (1998) 31
TEAGUE RCH GILLESPIE 7.52 4.40 (1957) 51
TELEGRAPH KIMBLE 12.05 3.94 (1982) 48
TEXARKANA BOWIE 15.13 11.98 (1988) 32
WRIGHT PATMAN DAM CASS 13.73 10.03 (1957) 47
THORNDALE MILAM 10.87 8.08 (1978) 31
THORNTON 1 SSE LIMESTONE 9.47 9.15 (1985) 51
THREE RIVERS 8 NE LIVE OAK 6.47 3.50 (1998) 13
TOLEDO BEND DAM NEWTON 13.81 13.50 (1986) 26
TOW LLANO 8.85 6.23 (1992) 23
TROY BELL 10.12 7.13 (1944) 60
TYLER SMITH 13.31 8.74 (1987) 17
VERNON WILBARGER 4.74 4.49 (1957) 61
WATSON BURNET 8.34 4.39 (1997) 33
WHARTON WHARTON 13.09 11.30 (1974) 59
WHITNEY DAM BOSQUE 8.08 6.33 (1964) 51
WHITSETT LIVE OAK 3.91 3.24 (1980) 36
WOLFE CITY HUNT 10.83 9.51 (1952) 55
WOODVILLE TYLER 12.09 9.76 (1998) 11
YORKTOWN DEWITT 9.88 8.30 (1940) 57
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours Ever in the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
JUNCTION KIMBLE CO AP KIMBLE 5.20 1.58 (1998) 24
SULPHUR SPRINGS HOPKINS 5.69 4.26 (1988) 87
BATESVILLE ZAVALA 2.50 2.00 (1995) 34
BENJAMIN 15 W KING 1.37 1.04 (1995) 15
BLANCO BLANCO 3.85 3.50 (1907) 104
BRADY MCCULLOCH 4.25 1.83 (1998) 64
CANYON DAM COMAL 4.71 3.63 (1978) 38
CARTA VALLEY EDWARDS 2.70 2.10 (1978) 35
CHAPMAN RCH NUECES 2.25 2.22 (1980) 38
CHIRENO NACOGDOCHES 3.50 3.42 (1990) 12
COMFORT 2 KENDALL 4.50 1.71 (1991) 12
COTTONWOOD GILLESPIE 4.30 2.90 (1963) 78
DACUS MONTGOMERY 8.10 7.00 (1998) 46
DEPORT 4 NW LAMAR 4.60 3.61 (1987) 15
DOUGLASS 1 S NACOGDOCHES 3.93 2.64 (1998) 12
DRIPPING SPRINGS 6 E HAYS 3.69 3.62 (1987) 16
DUNDEE 6 NNW ARCHER 4.00 2.65 (1934) 71
ELGIN BASTROP 4.75 4.20 (1978) 39
FISCHERS STORE COMAL 5.27 3.47 (1946) 98
GOLDTHWAITE 1 WSW MILLS 3.43 3.25 (1965) 69
GUTHRIE KING 2.05 2.00 (1963) 48
HORDS CREEK DAM COLEMAN 2.30 1.85 (1964) 48
HYE BLANCO 3.50 2.49 (1998) 49
JOHNSON CITY BLANCO 4.47 3.40 (1987) 28
JUNCTION 4 SSW KIMBLE 4.75 2.55 (1918) 80
LAKE KEMP BAYLOR 2.45 2.30 (1979) 31
LAVON DAM COLLIN 2.92 2.92 (1987) 48
LUFKIN 11 NW ANGELINA 4.75 4.30 (1986) 18
LUFKIN 2 ANGELINA 4.08 3.23 (1998) 11
MASON MASON 3.40 2.55 (1992) 41
MENARD MENARD 3.12 2.67 (1918) 90
NORTHINGTON RCH KENDALL 5.67 2.10 (1992) 15
PINE SPRINGS CULBERSON 1.30 0.95 (1987) 19
RICHARDS GRIMES 5.50 4.70 (1963) 41
RICHLAND SPRINGS SAN SABA 3.80 2.80 (1992) 46
RISING STAR 1 S EASTLAND 2.13 2.00 (1994) 54
ROBSTOWN NUECES 6.80 3.47 (1969) 52
ROCKPORT ARANSAS 5.71 3.80 (1998) 42
RUNGE KARNES 4.22 3.92 (1911) 99
SISTERDALE KENDALL 5.12 2.23 (1992) 10
SPICEWOOD BURNET 3.05 2.35 (1978) 33
SPRING BRANCH 2SE COMAL 4.70 4.40 (1992) 43
TELEGRAPH KIMBLE 7.39 1.36 (1967) 48
THORNDALE MILAM 5.60 4.27 (1978) 31
TROY BELL 3.25 2.90 (1944) 60
WATSON BURNET 1.94 1.88 (1997) 33
YORKTOWN DEWITT 4.49 4.05 (1961) 57
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
EASTLAND EASTLAND 46.0 46.0 (1976) 75
GRAHAM YOUNG 46.0 46.2 (1976) 75
FT WORTH MEACHAM FLD TARRANT 49.6 51.0 (1993) 21
VAN HORN CULBERSON 44.0 44.0 (1991) 41
ANSON JONES 48.0 48.2 (1972) 37
BALMORHEA REEVES 48.4 49.4 (1980) 67
CASTOLON BREWSTER 56.1 56.5 (1980) 20
DEKALB BOWIE 48.3 50.0 (1993) 20
DELL CITY 5 SSW HUDSPETH 44.1 45.3 (1992) 19
DIMMITT 2 N CASTRO 38.8 38.8 (1972) 39
EL PASO 32 ENE HUDSPETH 45.5 45.6 (1992) 16
HART CASTRO 40.5 40.5 (1991) 15
JACKSBORO JACK 46.1 47.5 (1993) 49
LAJITAS BREWSTER 56.6 56.6 (1991) 17
LAMESA 1 SSE DAWSON 43.9 44.5 (1991) 64
MC LEAN GRAY 42.9 43.9 (1991) 28
MULESHOE NWR BAILEY 41.3 42.4 (1992) 20
PAINT ROCK CONCHO 48.7 49.6 (1976) 36
PANHANDLE CARSON 38.2 40.9 (1992) 35
PENWELL ECTOR 48.2 48.2 (1991) 26
PERSIMMON GAP BREWSTER 52.7 53.0 (1992) 16
PINE SPRINGS CULBERSON 42.0 44.3 (1992) 12
ROTAN FISHER 45.7 46.2 (1972) 36
STAMFORD 1 JONES 46.3 46.3 (1991) 20
WRIGHT PATMAN DAM CASS 47.9 48.0 (1991) 27
TURKEY HALL 43.0 44.6 (1972) 30
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
EASTLAND EASTLAND 56.7 57.1 (1972) 78
GRAHAM YOUNG 57.3 58.4 (1972) 77
DALLAS FT WORTH AP TARRANT 57.9 58.2 (1929) 103
FT WORTH MEACHAM FLD TARRANT 57.6 60.5 (1947) 21
TYLER POUNDS FLD SMITH 60.0 61.3 (1899) 27
JUNCTION KIMBLE CO AP KIMBLE 61.0 62.1 (1957) 25
WINKLER CO AP WINKLER 59.2 59.2 (1976) 55
VAN HORN CULBERSON 57.6 58.8 (1991) 42
ANDREWS ANDREWS 58.9 59.3 (1972) 35
ANSON JONES 57.1 58.9 (1972) 37
ATHENS HENDERSON 60.5 61.9 (1997) 39
BALLINGER 2 NW RUNNELS 58.2 58.9 (1932) 99
BISHOP NUECES 71.3 71.6 (1938) 16
BOQUILLAS RS BREWSTER 68.8 72.6 (1980) 23
BOWIE MONTAGUE 55.1 57.5 (1972) 74
BOYS RANCH OLDHAM 53.7 53.7 (1992) 21
BRACKETTVILLE KINNEY 57.7 60.0 (1907) 67
BURLESON JOHNSON 59.2 60.4 (1991) 15
CASTOLON BREWSTER 69.3 72.0 (1980) 20
CATARINA DIMMIT 70.4 72.3 (1997) 19
CHOKE CANYON DAM LIVE OAK 69.8 70.0 (1997) 18
CLARKSVILLE 2NE RED RIVER 57.4 57.6 (1993) 79
COLEMAN COLEMAN 57.9 60.3 (1976) 94
COPE RCH REAGAN 58.2 58.5 (1976) 37
CORNUDAS SVC STN HUDSPETH 58.4 58.9 (1976) 36
CRANE 2E CRANE 60.5 61.0 (1929) 39
DEKALB BOWIE 58.4 59.5 (1997) 20
DELL CITY 5 SSW HUDSPETH 61.9 62.6 (1992) 19
DENTON 2 SE DENTON 57.2 57.8 (1929) 80
DRIPPING SPRINGS 6 E HAYS 63.5 64.5 (1993) 16
DUBLIN 2SE ERATH 56.2 56.7 (1976) 91
EL PASO 32 ENE HUDSPETH 56.4 57.6 (1992) 16
EVANT 1 SSW CORYELL 60.4 61.2 (1972) 31
GAINESVILLE 5 ENE COOKE 56.4 57.9 (1993) 14
GARDEN CITY GLASSCOCK 56.6 58.5 (1991) 23
GUTHRIE KING 57.3 58.0 (1991) 33
JACKSBORO JACK 55.1 58.5 (1972) 54
JEFFERSON MARION 60.3 61.5 (1997) 21
KERRVILLE 3 NNE KERR 63.1 63.1 (1993) 26
LAJITAS BREWSTER 70.0 72.7 (1991) 18
LAKE TAWAKONI RAINS 59.1 60.0 (1976) 24
LAKE KEMP BAYLOR 56.4 57.6 (1976) 26
LAMESA 1 SSE DAWSON 55.0 55.7 (1947) 66
LYTLE 3 W MEDINA 68.0 68.7 (1997) 24
MC LEAN GRAY 54.1 55.1 (1992) 28
MT VERNON FRANKLIN 58.3 58.3 (1993) 32
MULESHOE NWR BAILEY 55.1 55.6 (1991) 20
MUNDAY KNOX 57.4 57.6 (1972) 62
PAINT ROCK CONCHO 59.4 63.1 (1976) 36
PANDALE 11 NE VAL VERDE 62.8 63.1 (1991) 17
PANHANDLE CARSON 51.6 52.6 (1992) 35
PENWELL ECTOR 60.4 61.2 (1991) 28
PERSIMMON GAP BREWSTER 64.4 68.6 (1992) 16
PINE SPRINGS CULBERSON 53.6 55.3 (1992) 13
PLAINS YOAKUM 54.3 54.7 (1972) 37
PRADE RCH REAL 62.1 64.0 (1993) 32
ROBERT LEE COKE 58.4 58.9 (1976) 39
ROSCOE NOLAN 54.9 57.1 (1976) 63
ROTAN FISHER 55.4 57.0 (1972) 36
SEMINOLE GAINES 55.1 57.0 (1957) 69
SHEFFIELD PECOS 62.5 64.4 (1991) 34
SIERRA BLANCA 2 E HUDSPETH 56.4 59.0 (1976) 31
SPUR DICKENS 56.1 56.1 (1957) 65
STAMFORD 1 JONES 55.9 59.9 (1911) 20
STERLING CITY STERLING 58.6 60.7 (1972) 29
TEXARKANA BOWIE 58.2 59.0 (1976) 29
WRIGHT PATMAN DAM CASS 58.9 59.4 (1993) 29
TORNILLO 2 SSE EL PASO 61.5 62.8 (1992) 20
TYLER SMITH 60.2 61.3 (1993) 17
UVALDE 3 SW UVALDE 66.8 69.0 (1986) 14
VALENTINE JEFF DAVIS 61.9 62.5 (1992) 19
VERNON WILBARGER 55.6 57.3 (1991) 51
VICTORIA CP&L VICTORIA 69.0 71.2 (1920) 12
WATER VALLEY TOM GREEN 59.1 60.4 (1972) 32
Highest Maximum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
TOLEDO BEND DAM NEWTON 85 85 (1984) 26
Lowest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
BRAVO HARTLEY 24.6 25.0 (1993) 32
DEKALB BOWIE 38.2 39.3 (1993) 20
DELL CITY 5 SSW HUDSPETH 26.3 28.0 (1992) 19
MC LEAN GRAY 31.7 32.0 (1993) 29
PANHANDLE CARSON 24.9 26.8 (1976) 35
PINE SPRINGS CULBERSON 30.3 33.2 (1992) 12
TURKEY HALL 30.4 32.3 (1997) 33
Highest Minimum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
BARDWELL DAM ELLIS 69 69 (1990) 34
BAYTOWN HARRIS 76 75 (1994) 17

Climatic Averages for December

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) PRCP (inches) No. Days in Month Deg. Days
Station Avg. Record Avg. Record Avg. Gr'st Mo. Gr'st 24 hr. ≥ 90°F ≤ 32°F PRCP ≥ 0.01" HDD CDD
Abilene 57.0 89 (1955) 33.9 ‑7 (1989) 1.03 6.69 (1926) 4.57 (1911) 0.0 14.2 4.8 605 0
Amarillo 50.1 83 (1939) 23.7 ‑8 (1989) 0.43 4.52 (1959) 3.13 (1943) 0.0 26.7 4.1 871 0
Austin 62.0 90 (1955) 41.2 4 (1989) 1.88 16.14 (1913) 6.34 (1913) 0.0 5.8 7.4 426 10
Brownsville 71.7 94 (1977) 52.4 16 (1989) 1.25 6.95 (1940) 3.93 (1940) 0.0 0.9 6.3 177 87
College Station 61.5 89 (1922) 41.2 2 (1989) 2.83 12.66 (1913) 7.54 (1913) 0.0 6.4 7.7 434 13
Corpus Christi 68.3 91 (1977) 48.4 13 (1989) 1.26 9.80 (1991) 6.81 (1991) 0.1 1.7 6.4 261 53
Dallas‑Fort Worth 57.5 90 (1951) 36.3 ‑1 (1989) 1.84 8.75 (1991) 4.22 (1991) 0.0 10.7 6.5 566 5
Del Rio 63.5 90 (1977) 40.6 10 (1989) 0.61 3.93 (1937) 2.40 (1994) 0.0 5.0 5.3 407 7
El Paso 57.5 80 (1973) 30.7 ‑5 (1880) 0.57 3.94 (1914) 1.76 (1987) 0.0 18.8 3.9 648 0
Galveston 61.9 80 (1918) 50.9 14 (1989) 3.50 10.28 (1887) 6.30 (1995) 0.0 0.8 8.2 289 22
Houston 64.7 85 (1995) 42.2 7 (1989) 3.45 14.38 (1923) 7.47 (1914) 0.0 4.6 9.0 374 18
Lubbock 54.1 83 (1939) 27.2 ‑2 (1989) 0.53 2.80 (1942) 1.50 (1942) 0.0 23.0 4.6 756 0
Midland 58.4 85 (1954) 30.8 ‑1 (1989) 0.56 3.30 (1986) 1.58 (1979) 0.0 17.7 3.7 632 0
Port Arthur 64.2 86 (1933) 44.3 12 (1989) 4.81 17.98 (1982) 9.98 (1982) 0.0 4.4 9.0 352 21
San Angelo 59.0 91 (1954) 33.0 ‑4 (1989) 0.79 3.98 (1991) 2.71 (1984) 0.0 14.7 4.4 589 0
San Antonio 63.5 90 (1955) 40.8 6 (1989) 1.51 13.96 (1991) 6.90 (1991) 0.0 6.6 7.1 409 12
Victoria 66.0 88 (1964) 45.2 9 (1989) 2.04 6.97 (1975) 6.12 (1975) 0.0 3.3 7.8 322 31
Waco 59.3 91 (1955) 37.3 ‑4 (1989) 1.86 11.76 (1913) 7.98 (1997) 0.0 9.7 6.1 524 6
Wichita Falls 54.9 88 (1954) 30.8 ‑7 (1989) 1.29 6.93 (1991) 3.12 (1926) 0.0 17.9 5.3 688 0
Shreveport, LA 58.5 84 (1955) 37.3 5 (1989) 4.10 15.55 (1884) 7.18 (1904) 0.0 10.8 9.5 535 8
Climatic averages are based on 1961-1990 monthly normals, which are provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
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