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Texas Climate Report: November 2004

November of 2004 turned out to be one of the wettest Novembers in Texas history. The month began with a cold front crossing the state causing heavy rain over many stations and snow in the Panhandle. On the 2nd, Port Arthur received 6.34" breaking its daily record while Amarillo broke its daily snowfall record with 8.4" of snow. Galveston, Houston, and Austin all received at least 1.50" of rain over the first two days of the month. Following the frontal passage, temperatures remained well below normal for a few days. There was no measurable precipitation at any of the first-order stations for the following nine days as a high pressure system settled over the state.

The dry stretch promptly ended during the third week of the month as an upper-level low pressure system moved into the state from northern Mexico. Fourteen of the 19 first-order stations recorded at least an inch of rain between the 14th and 17th. Austin had 5.03" in just two days, while San Antonio, Midland, Lubbock, Abilene, Del Rio, San Angelo, and Houston all received at least 3 inches over those days. The counties of Travis (1), Gillespie (1), Bexar (2), and Harris (4) reported tornadoes during this time.

Beginning on the 20th, two frontal systems stalled across the state leading to several more days of rainfall for the eastern half of Texas. Between the 20th and 23rd, rainfall totals exceeded 2 inches in Galveston, 3 inches in Waco, 4 inches in Houston and San Antonio, and more than 5 inches fell in College Station and Austin. None of them came close to Victoria, however, which received 6.94" on the 20th alone. For those 4 days, 11.70" fell in Victoria. On the 23rd, there were 55 reports of hail (seven of which were greater than 2" in diameter), and 32 reports of tornadoes across the state. The final few days of the month remained relatively quiet before another cold front passed over the state lowering temperatures below freezing,

Several new and near precipitation records were set for the month. Seven stations set new monthly records – Austin, Del Rio, Lubbock, Midland, San Antonio, Victoria, and Wichita Falls. The 5.42" in Midland was more than double its previous record of 2.32". Six other stations had near monthly records:  Abilene (2nd wettest), Amarillo (2nd), College Station (5th), Houston (2nd), San Angelo (2nd), and Waco (3rd). Amarillo, Lubbock, Midland, and Victoria had at least six times their normal November precipitation. Victoria also set a record for its wettest year ever with 71.79" through November. 12 other stations have reached their top 10 for wettest years, and several look like they could break their respective records for wettest year by the end of December.

Monthly Summary for Selected Cities

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) TAVG (°F) PRCP *Deg. Days
Station Mean *Dep. Max. Mean *Dep. Min. Mean *Dep. Days ≥ 0.01" Mo. Total *Perc. Norm. Gr'st 24 hr. *HDD *CDD
Abilene 62.0 ‑3.1 76 44.0 +1.7 30 53.0 ‑0.7 11 5.12 394% 2.48 351 0
Amarillo 51.6 ‑6.8 75 34.5 +2.7 15 43.0 ‑2.1 15 4.06 597% 0.80 654 0
Austin 68.9 ‑1.2 82 50.5 +1.2 36 59.7 11 14.10 526% 4.74 164 13
Brownsville 82.1 +5.3 90 61.5 +2.9 45 71.8 +4.1 8 1.82 104% 1.14 14 225
College Station 69.2 ‑1.7 83 50.4 +1.3 30 59.8 ‑0.2 10 9.22 290% 3.84 167 17
Corpus Christi 78.3 +3.4 86 57.1 +1.7 43 67.7 +2.6 8 1.25 72% 0.84 49 137
Dallas‑Fort Worth 65.3 +0.2 80 48.9 +3.8 33 57.1 +2.0 14 5.01 195% 1.74 230 2
Del Rio 69.3 ‑1.6 80 48.8 ‑0.4 35 59.0 ‑1.1 8 4.71 491% 2.23 184 11
El Paso 60.5 ‑5.0 78 40.1 +0.3 27 50.3 ‑2.4 7 2.01 479% 0.90 434 0
Galveston 72.8 +1.5 81 60.7 +1.3 48 66.7 +1.3 13 7.78 214% 1.77 58 115
Houston 70.8 ‑1.2 83 53.1 +3.3 39 62.0 +1.1 12 11.73 280% 3.97 121 37
Lubbock 56.7 ‑4.9 76 37.6 +3.1 22 47.1 ‑1.0 11 6.65 937% 1.67 531 0
Midland 59.8 ‑6.0 74 41.1 +2.3 27 50.5 ‑1.8 9 5.42 834% 2.17 431 0
Port Arthur 71.9 +1.0 82 53.7 +2.9 39 62.8 +1.9 15 9.23 194% 6.62 115 59
San Angelo 64.2 ‑2.3 82 43.3 +1.9 29 53.7 ‑0.3 10 5.18 471% 2.05 331 0
San Antonio 71.1 ‑0.3 82 51.1 +2.5 35 61.1 +1.1 13 9.46 367% 4.00 135 26
Victoria 73.4 +0.4 83 53.3 +1.0 39 63.3 +0.6 15 16.14 611% 9.20 106 64
Waco 66.6 ‑1.2 79 49.4 +3.6 35 58.0 +1.2 12 9.72 372% 3.24 208 5
Wichita Falls 61.9 ‑1.8 78 45.2 +5.1 30 53.5 +1.6 15 6.85 408% 1.46 333 0
Shreveport, LA 67.1 +0.3 78 50.0 +4.7 34 58.5 +2.4 16 7.17 153% 1.88 196 10
Bold-italics indicate a value broke or tied the record from a previous year.
*Dep.: Departure of the monthly average temperature from the 1971-2000 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Perc. Norm.: Monthly precipitation total divided by 1971-2000 monthly normal, which is provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
*Deg. Days: Computed daily as the departure of the daily average temperature from 65°F and aggregated over the entire month.
*Heating degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a -1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.
*Cooling degree day (HDD): Each unit corresponds to a +1°F departure of a daily average temperature from 65°F.

nov 2004 average temperatures
nov 2004 average precipitation

Monthly Extremes

Least Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours (inches)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Maximum Temperature  (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Highest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value
Lowest Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value

New Monthly Records

Least Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
MCALLEN HIDALGO 0.00 0.00 (1999) 58
Greatest Precipitation Overall for the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
GRAHAM YOUNG 6.41 6.23 (1964) 99
VICTORIA RGNL AP VICTORIA 16.14 10.11 (1998) 58
SAN ANTONIO INTL AP BEXAR 9.46 8.58 (2000) 120
PALACIOS MUNI AP MATAGORDA 14.17 9.20 (1992) 61
COLUMBUS COLORADO 17.37 10.12 (1998) 70
AUSTIN‑CAMP MABRY TRAVIS 14.10 10.00 (2001) 113
PRESIDIO PRESIDIO 3.04 2.01 (1968) 73
DEL RIO INTL AP VAL VERDE 4.71 4.54 (1913) 99
MIDLAND INTL AP MIDLAND 5.42 2.32 (1968) 75
WINKLER CO AP WINKLER 4.32 2.37 (1968) 60
BIG SPRING HOWARD 6.68 3.89 (1968) 51
LUBBOCK INTL AP LUBBOCK 6.65 3.37 (2001) 94
ABERNATHY HALE 6.82 3.62 (2001) 61
ALVIN BRAZORIA 16.43 14.72 (1946) 94
AMISTAD DAM VAL VERDE 4.71 3.04 (1978) 41
ANDICE 2 SW WILLIAMSON 11.35 8.08 (2000) 33
ANSON JONES 6.21 5.96 (2001) 43
ANTELOPE JACK 8.61 6.30 (2000) 64
AQUILLA 1 SSE HILL 9.36 7.61 (2000) 13
ARCHER CITY ARCHER 8.15 6.55 (2000) 61
ASPERMONT STONEWALL 5.42 4.48 (1934) 89
BALMORHEA REEVES 3.52 3.45 (1968) 79
HOUSTON BARKER HARRIS 13.91 10.07 (1985) 56
BAYTOWN HARRIS 14.35 12.16 (2000) 22
BEAUMONT RSCH CTR JEFFERSON 11.72 9.60 (2000) 41
BENBROOK DAM TARRANT 8.65 6.81 (1952) 55
BENJAMIN 15 W KING 6.40 2.96 (1984) 18
BERTRAM 3 ENE BURNET 10.58 8.57 (2001) 36
BIG BEND RCH SP PRESIDIO 2.04 0.93 (2000) 10
BIG LAKE 2 REAGAN 5.46 3.64 (2001) 38
BIG SPRING HOWARD 6.68 6.01 (2001) 55
BLANCO BLANCO 11.85 11.41 (1940) 108
BOERNE KENDALL 12.52 10.40 (1907) 105
BOQUILLAS RS BREWSTER 2.00 1.75 (2000) 51
BORGER HUTCHINSON 5.93 2.44 (1986) 54
BOYS RANCH OLDHAM 3.26 1.83 (1986) 28
BRACKETTVILLE 22 N KINNEY 7.57 5.90 (1978) 24
BRANDON HILL 8.27 7.66 (2000) 13
BRECKENRIDGE STEPHENS 6.90 5.98 (1940) 72
BREMOND ROBERTSON 9.13 8.40 (2000) 41
BROWNFIELD 2 TERRY 6.33 2.70 (1991) 51
BURKETT COLEMAN 6.57 5.82 (2000) 48
BURLESON JOHNSON 7.46 5.48 (1998) 20
BURNET BURNET 11.74 7.77 (1902) 94
CAMERON MILAM 11.53 10.71 (1940) 93
CANDELARIA PRESIDIO 4.73 1.42 (1968) 60
CANYON DAM COMAL 13.62 11.01 (2000) 42
CARRIZO SPRINGS 3W DIMMIT 4.95 4.70 (1914) 72
CARTA VALLEY EDWARDS 9.75 4.22 (2000) 38
CASTOLON BREWSTER 2.05 1.24 (1986) 29
CENTER CITY MILLS 7.06 6.05 (2000) 42
CHALK MTN ERATH 8.38 5.44 (2000) 42
CHANNING 2 HARTLEY 3.19 2.25 (1972) 21
CHARLOTTE 5 NNW ATASCOSA 8.62 5.73 (2000) 43
CHIRENO NACOGDOCHES 16.31 15.05 (2000) 16
CLEBURNE 7 SE JOHNSON 9.74 8.04 (1998) 10
CLEVELAND LIBERTY 16.65 12.69 (2000) 50
COLORADO CITY MITCHELL 5.71 4.34 (1968) 69
COMFORT 2 KENDALL 7.05 6.64 (2000) 15
CONLEN DALLAM 3.31 2.90 (1971) 59
COPE RCH REAGAN 5.42 3.83 (1996) 57
COPPERAS COVE 5 NW CORYELL 11.98 6.31 (2000) 21
CRANFILLS GAP BOSQUE 10.07 5.34 (2000) 14
CRESSON 3NW HOOD 7.11 6.25 (1952) 54
CROSBYTON CROSBY 6.78 4.16 (1913) 107
CROWELL FOARD 7.25 5.29 (1957) 82
CRYSTAL CITY ZAVALA 4.36 4.03 (1980) 63
CYPRESS HARRIS 12.15 10.07 (2000) 57
DE LEON 5 SW COMANCHE 6.90 3.45 (1996) 12
DELL CITY 5 SSW HUDSPETH 2.36 2.00 (1980) 24
DENVER CITY YOAKUM 5.21 3.10 (2000) 13
DEWEYVILLE NEWTON 11.74 11.09 (2001) 36
DIMMITT 2 N CASTRO 3.72 2.68 (1961) 44
DRIPPING SPRINGS 6 E HAYS 12.51 8.53 (2000) 20
DUMONT KING 7.00 3.43 (2001) 34
DUNDEE 6 NNW ARCHER 6.70 6.42 (2000) 74
EAGLE PASS MAVERICK 4.16 4.00 (1980) 102
EDEN CONCHO 8.04 3.47 (1952) 51
EL PASO 32 ENE HUDSPETH 2.32 1.43 (1984) 22
ELGIN BASTROP 10.22 9.91 (2000) 43
EVANT 1 SSW CORYELL 9.54 5.78 (1978) 42
FLAT CORYELL 10.52 7.13 (2000) 13
FLATONIA FAYETTE 12.26 8.76 (2000) 95
FLOMOT 4 NE MOTLEY 6.48 2.68 (1986) 53
FLORENCE 3 SE WILLIAMSON 13.73 10.85 (2000) 37
FLOYDADA 9 SE FLOYD 5.70 4.44 (2001) 51
FORSAN HOWARD 7.41 4.06 (1968) 54
FT HANCOCK 8 SSE HUDSPETH 2.51 1.97 (1968) 34
FT WORTH WSFO TARRANT 6.35 5.95 (1996) 12
FOWLERTON LA SALLE 6.14 5.80 (1913) 74
FRANKLIN ROBERTSON 9.52 7.49 (1985) 39
FRIONA PARMER 4.08 2.71 (1940) 65
FUNK RCH IRION 4.35 3.25 (1975) 53
GAINESVILLE 5 ENE COOKE 7.84 6.81 (1994) 18
LEWISVILLE DAM DENTON 7.53 7.19 (1964) 47
GOLD GILLESPIE 7.69 6.01 (2000) 55
GOLIAD GOLIAD 8.33 8.10 (1934) 92
GOLIAD 1 SE GOLIAD 7.99 7.30 (1982) 51
GRANDFALLS 3 SSE WARD 3.50 3.44 (1978) 72
GRANGER WILLIAMSON 9.70 7.52 (2000) 35
GRANGER DAM WILLIAMSON 7.90 5.47 (1998) 21
HALLETTSVILLE 2 N LAVACA 12.22 10.74 (1965) 106
HAMILTON 2E HAMILTON 9.87 7.69 (1952) 48
HASKELL HASKELL 6.14 4.78 (1940) 99
HORDS CREEK DAM COLEMAN 8.49 6.10 (2000) 52
HOUSTON HEIGHTS HARRIS 16.31 12.19 (2000) 50
HOUSTON NWSO GALVESTON 16.03 12.14 (2000) 16
HUCKABAY ERATH 7.79 5.78 (2000) 35
HUMBLE PUMP STN 5 WN SUTTON 6.76 5.66 (2000) 50
HURST SPRINGS CORYELL 9.55 6.55 (1978) 42
HYE BLANCO 9.27 8.24 (2000) 53
JASPER JASPER 12.43 11.85 (1963) 57
JAYTON KENT 5.91 4.70 (2001) 50
JEDDO 3S BASTROP 14.61 10.81 (1940) 63
JOE POOL LAKE DALLAS 7.78 7.69 (1994) 13
JOHNSON CITY BLANCO 12.62 9.12 (2000) 32
KATY WOLF HILL HARRIS 14.55 12.98 (1998) 28
KENT 8 SE JEFF DAVIS 4.25 1.15 (2001) 15
KNAPP 2 SW SCURRY 8.75 6.00 (2001) 68
LA GRANGE FAYETTE 13.99 9.36 (1940) 85
LA PRYOR ZAVALA 6.77 5.59 (2000) 71
LA TUNA 1 S EL PASO 1.97 1.67 (1986) 59
LAJITAS BREWSTER 1.55 1.31 (1978) 24
LAKE ALAN HENRY GARZA 7.57 4.37 (2001) 11
LAKE KEMP BAYLOR 5.93 4.66 (2000) 35
LAMESA 1 SSE DAWSON 5.76 3.04 (1913) 93
LEAKEY REAL 6.39 5.94 (2000) 18
LEATHERWOOD RCH ERATH 4.80 4.60 (2000) 10
LENORAH MARTIN 6.60 3.48 (1968) 55
LEVELLAND HOCKLEY 5.82 2.52 (1986) 65
LEXINGTON LEE 10.27 8.98 (2002) 42
LIPAN PALO PINTO 6.90 6.10 (1996) 49
LITTLEFIELD LAMB 5.25 2.52 (2001) 37
LULING CALDWELL 12.45 11.34 (1940) 103
LUMBERTON HARDIN 12.64 11.96 (2001) 10
LYTLE 3 W MEDINA 9.80 7.96 (2000) 28
MARFA 2 PRESIDIO 3.79 2.71 (1968) 43
MATADOR MOTLEY 7.38 3.14 (1961) 55
MC LEAN GRAY 5.45 3.46 (1986) 45
MEMPHIS HALL 5.94 4.36 (1909) 89
MERIDIAN BOSQUE 10.79 6.41 (1994) 23
MONAHANS WARD 3.91 2.63 (1968) 44
MORGAN 3 WNW BOSQUE 10.87 7.16 (2000) 37
MORGAN MILL ERATH 8.00 7.21 (1964) 52
MORTON COCHRAN 4.63 2.56 (2000) 61
MT LOCKE JEFF DAVIS 4.78 1.93 (1939) 64
MULESHOE #1 BAILEY 3.89 2.98 (1964) 80
MULESHOE NWR BAILEY 3.42 2.39 (1998) 23
NAVARRO MILLS DAM NAVARRO 9.55 7.16 (1992) 38
NEW BRAUNFELS COMAL 10.79 8.81 (1974) 100
NEW CANEY 2 E MONTGOMERY 18.44 11.46 (2000) 46
NEWPORT 1SW JACK 7.36 7.02 (1964) 50
NORTHFIELD MOTLEY 7.62 3.62 (1992) 58
NORTHINGTON RCH KENDALL 13.72 10.77 (2000) 19
OAK CREEK LAKE COKE 4.73 4.04 (2001) 41
ODESSA ECTOR 4.59 2.59 (1968) 54
OLTON LAMB 5.65 2.78 (1978) 44
ORANGE 9 N ORANGE 11.74 11.09 (2001) 36
PADUCAH COTTLE 7.57 3.70 (1992) 53
PADUCAH 15 S KING 7.97 6.36 (2001) 32
PADUCAH 10S COTTLE 7.64 3.71 (1992) 28
PAINT ROCK CONCHO 8.96 5.05 (2000) 81
PALO PINTO PALO PINTO 7.42 6.79 (1994) 55
PANHANDLE CARSON 4.87 3.49 (1971) 74
PEARSALL FRIO 5.45 4.96 (1913) 96
PERRYTON 21 S OCHILTREE 4.18 2.45 (2001) 26
PERRYTON 11 WNW OCHILTREE 4.40 4.11 (1971) 57
PERSIMMON GAP BREWSTER 2.37 1.67 (1986) 21
PIDCOKE CORYELL 12.39 7.91 (2000) 20
PINELAND SABINE 12.49 11.93 (2000) 26
PINE SPRINGS CULBERSON 4.51 2.68 (2000) 23
PLAINVIEW HALE 5.60 4.52 (1909) 96
PORT ARANSAS NUECES 7.84 7.35 (1997) 18
POST GARZA 8.95 5.86 (2001) 90
POTEET ATASCOSA 7.30 5.36 (1992) 61
PROCTOR RSVR COMANCHE 7.77 5.01 (1992) 41
PUTNAM CALLAHAN 9.05 7.25 (1913) 90
RED BLUFF CROSSING SAN SABA 6.30 6.06 (2000) 54
RIOMEDINA MEDINA 9.31 6.22 (1992) 71
RISING STAR 1 S EASTLAND 6.23 5.79 (2000) 57
ROBERT LEE COKE 4.48 4.33 (2001) 57
ROCKDALE MILAM 7.89 6.96 (1978) 39
ROCKSPRINGS 26SSW EDWARDS 8.03 7.47 (2001) 10
ROUND ROCK 3 NE WILLIAMSON 9.25 9.07 (2000) 37
SAM RAYBURN DAM JASPER 17.23 16.58 (2000) 37
SAN MARCOS HAYS 14.32 13.00 (1985) 99
SANFORD DAM HUTCHINSON 3.57 1.27 (2001) 12
SAN ANTONIO/SEAWORLD BEXAR 7.50 3.99 (1998) 16
SEGUIN 1 SSW GUADALUPE 13.50 7.70 (2000) 12
SEMINOLE GAINES 6.22 3.45 (1978) 77
SEYMOUR BAYLOR 9.17 5.74 (1957) 83
SHEFFIELD PECOS 3.57 3.41 (1998) 44
SILVERTON BRISCOE 5.24 2.30 (1986) 64
SILVER VALLEY COLEMAN 8.20 4.40 (2000) 32
SISTERDALE KENDALL 11.45 9.66 (2000) 14
SLATON LUBBOCK 6.51 2.96 (2001) 55
SMITHVILLE BASTROP 10.57 10.45 (1944) 80
SNYDER SCURRY 8.09 4.80 (1996) 86
SOMERVILLE DAM BURLESON 9.33 7.08 (1968) 36
SOUTH CAMP 6666 KING 6.94 3.92 (2001) 11
SPEAKS 2 LAVACA 14.57 10.21 (1998) 35
SPUR DICKENS 7.40 3.40 (1913) 66
TOWN BLUFF DAM TYLER 11.64 10.56 (1978) 44
STERLING CITY STERLING 6.02 3.50 (1996) 73
STERLING CITY 8 NE STERLING 6.52 4.21 (2001) 28
STILLHOUSE HOLLOW DAM BELL 8.66 8.32 (2000) 37
STRATFORD SHERMAN 3.92 3.34 (1971) 77
TAHOKA LYNN 6.28 3.01 (1968) 74
TERLINGUA RCH BREWSTER 2.33 1.25 (1998) 11
TILDEN 4 SSE MCMULLEN 4.78 3.97 (1980) 47
TORNILLO 2 SSE EL PASO 1.87 1.57 (1983) 26
TROY BELL 10.14 10.12 (2000) 64
TULIA SWISHER 5.08 1.84 (1978) 55
TURKEY HALL 7.36 3.40 (1986) 50
UMBARGER RANDALL 2.82 1.88 (1986) 63
UVALDE 3 SW UVALDE 4.88 4.26 (1994) 19
VALENTINE JEFF DAVIS 5.67 1.59 (1978) 27
VALENTINE 10 WSW PRESIDIO 5.45 2.10 (1968) 68
VALLEY MILLS BOSQUE 9.23 8.35 (2000) 12
VERNON WILBARGER 8.32 4.74 (2000) 65
WACO DAM MCLENNAN 9.59 5.17 (1978) 34
WATER VALLEY 11 NNE COKE 6.38 4.25 (2001) 45
WATSON BURNET 10.97 8.34 (2000) 37
WEST MCLENNAN 9.16 8.04 (2000) 12
WHARTON WHARTON 20.06 13.09 (2000) 63
WHITNEY DAM BOSQUE 10.52 8.08 (2000) 55
WIMBERLEY 1 NW HAYS 12.46 11.99 (1987) 21
WINTERS 1 NNE RUNNELS 5.71 3.44 (1968) 35
WOODSON THROCKMORTON 9.71 3.77 (1996) 18
WOODVILLE TYLER 16.77 12.09 (2000) 15
YOUNGSPORT BELL 10.51 7.91 (2001) 12
YSLETA EL PASO 3.05 1.86 (1968) 60
Greatest Precipitation in 24 Hours Ever in the Month (inches)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
VICTORIA RGNL AP VICTORIA 9.20 6.63 (1982) 58
PALACIOS MUNI AP MATAGORDA 7.42 5.16 (1977) 61
ABILENE RGNL AP TAYLOR 2.48 2.43 (1975) 120
PRESIDIO PRESIDIO 2.71 1.09 (1963) 73
MIDLAND INTL AP MIDLAND 2.17 2.16 (1975) 75
BIG SPRING HOWARD 2.10 1.98 (1968) 51
LUBBOCK INTL AP LUBBOCK 1.67 1.59 (2001) 94
ABERNATHY HALE 1.51 1.49 (2001) 61
HOUSTON BARKER HARRIS 6.72 6.34 (1998) 56
BENJAMIN 15 W KING 1.75 1.37 (2000) 18
BIG BEND RCH SP PRESIDIO 1.65 0.70 (1997) 10
BIG LAKE 2 REAGAN 3.15 2.71 (2001) 38
BOQUILLAS RS BREWSTER 1.75 1.10 (1995) 51
BURKETT COLEMAN 2.29 2.12 (1963) 48
BURNET BURNET 3.85 3.40 (1937) 94
CANDELARIA PRESIDIO 2.05 1.01 (1979) 60
CARTA VALLEY EDWARDS 7.00 2.70 (2000) 38
CASTOLON BREWSTER 1.33 0.75 (1986) 29
CHISOS BASIN BREWSTER 1.50 1.38 (1959) 57
CLEVELAND LIBERTY 9.00 6.92 (1998) 50
COPPERAS COVE 5 NW CORYELL 3.73 3.30 (1992) 21
CRANFILLS GAP BOSQUE 3.00 2.61 (2001) 14
CROSBYTON CROSBY 2.05 2.00 (1913) 107
DENVER CITY YOAKUM 1.87 1.18 (1986) 13
DRIPPING SPRINGS nbsp;6 E HAYS 4.26 3.77 (2001) 20
DUMONT KING 2.04 1.60 (1992) 34
EDEN CONCHO 2.57 2.22 (1975) 51
FORSAN HOWARD 2.89 1.88 (1975) 54
FT WORTH WSFO TARRANT 2.36 1.94 (2000) 12
GATESVILLE 4 SSE CORYELL 4.50 4.48 (1940) 90
GOLD GILLESPIE 3.50 2.30 (1992) 55
HORDS CREEK DAM COLEMAN 2.41 2.30 (2000) 52
HOUSTON‑WESTBURY HARRIS 5.30 4.73 (2003) 53
HOUSTON NWSO GALVESTON 5.85 5.28 (1995) 16
JAYTON KENT 2.01 1.90 (2001) 50
JEDDO 3S BASTROP 8.60 6.76 (1981) 63
KENT 8 SE JEFF DAVIS 2.01 0.66 (2001) 15
KOUNTZE HARDIN 4.92 4.80 (1998) 16
LA GRANGE FAYETTE 6.95 5.50 (1981) 85
LAKE ALAN HENRY GARZA 2.58 1.95 (2001) 11
LAWN TAYLOR 3.08 3.00 (1994) 54
LEAKEY REAL 3.98 3.00 (1994) 18
LULING CALDWELL 5.15 3.87 (1940) 103
LYTLE 3 W MEDINA 2.80 2.30 (1978) 28
MARATHON BREWSTER 1.60 1.25 (1914) 64
MARFA 2 PRESIDIO 2.02 1.25 (1968) 43
MONAHANS WARD 1.70 1.35 (1975) 44
MT LOCKE JEFF DAVIS 2.28 1.32 (2001) 64
NEW CANEY 2 E MONTGOMERY 8.50 5.88 (1998) 46
NORTHFIELD MOTLEY 1.78 1.67 (1961) 58
ORANGE ORANGE 6.00 5.17 (1966) 67
PADUCAH COTTLE 2.37 1.67 (1994) 53
PADUCAH 10S COTTLE 2.45 2.30 (1992) 28
PERSIMMON GAP BREWSTER 1.66 0.80 (1986) 21
PIDCOKE CORYELL 3.81 3.08 (2001) 20
PINE SPRINGS CULBERSON 1.66 1.30 (2000) 23
PITCHFORK RCH DICKENS 5.52 2.62 (2001) 26
PORT ARTHUR CITY JEFFERSON 5.72 3.90 (1995) 29
PUTNAM CALLAHAN 3.05 2.58 (1963) 90
RICHLAND SPRINGS SAN SABA 4.23 3.80 (2000) 49
SEGUIN 1 SSW GUADALUPE 4.60 2.82 (1992) 12
SILVER VALLEY COLEMAN 2.76 2.18 (1998) 32
SLATON LUBBOCK 2.25 2.03 (1986) 55
SNYDER SCURRY 2.76 2.52 (1996) 86
SOUTH CAMP 6666 KING 2.58 1.44 (2001) 11
TERLINGUA RCH BREWSTER 1.40 1.03 (1998) 11
TILDEN 4 SSE MCMULLEN 3.10 2.13 (1977) 47
VALENTINE JEFF DAVIS 2.10 1.24 (1978) 27
VALENTINE 10 WSW PRESIDIO 2.33 1.60 (1978) 68
WOODSON THROCKMORTON 2.40 2.04 (1998) 18
YSLETA EL PASO 1.91 0.91 (1968) 60
Lowest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
LAJITAS BREWSTER 55.8 56.6 (2000) 20
Highest Average Daily Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
Lowest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
DELL CITY 5 SSW HUDSPETH 61.3 61.9 (2000) 23
DIMMITT 2 N CASTRO 51.7 51.9 (1991) 43
GRANDFALLS 3 SSE WARD 63.2 64.5 (1991) 36
HART CASTRO 52.8 52.8 (1991) 19
KENT 8 SE JEFF DAVIS 58.2 59.1 (1991) 12
LAJITAS BREWSTER 70.0 70.0 (2000) 22
MARFA 2 PRESIDIO 60.0 60.7 (1976) 41
SANFORD DAM HUTCHINSON 54.0 55.9 (2002) 11
Highest Average Daily Maximum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
SOUTH PADRE ISLAND CAMERON 81.1 80.1 (1994) 12
Highest Maximum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
DEWEYVILLE NEWTON 85 85 (2003) 19
ORANGE 9 N ORANGE 85 85 (2003) 19
Lowest Maximum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
KENT 8 SE JEFF DAVIS 33 35 (1993) 12
Highest Average Daily Minimum Temperature (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
COPPER BREAKS SP HARDEMAN 42.8 41.6 (1998) 13
LAKE FORK RSVR WOOD 51.2 50.1 (2003) 15
WRIGHT PATMAN DAM CASS 49.6 49.2 (1985) 30
Highest Minimum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
FREEPORT 2 NW BRAZORIA 76 76 (1984) 42
Lowest Minimum Temperature Ever in the Month (°F)
Station County Value Previous Record Yrs. Data
CHANNING 2 HARTLEY 9 9 (1972) 18

Climatic Averages for December

  TMAX (°F) TMIN (°F) PRCP (inches) No. Days in Month Deg. Days
Station Avg. Record Avg. Record Avg. Gr'st Mo. Gr'st 24 hr. ≥ 90°F ≤ 32°F PRCP ≥ 0.01" HDD CDD
Abilene 56.9 89 (1955) 33.9 ‑7 (1989) 1.27 6.69 (1926) 4.57 (1911) 0.0 14.1 5.1 608 1
Amarillo 49.8 83 (1939) 24.1 ‑8 (1989) 0.61 4.52 (1959) 3.13 (1943) 0.0 27.1 4.2 874 0
Austin 62.3 90 (1955) 41.9 4 (1989) 2.44 16.14 (1913) 6.34 (1913) 0.0 4.9 7.9 406 13
Brownsville 70.2 94 (1977) 52.0 16 (1989) 1.11 6.95 (1940) 3.93 (1940) 0.1 0.8 7.2 186 80
College Station 62.8 89 (1922) 41.5 2 (1989) 3.23 12.66 (1913) 7.54 (1913) 0.0 6.1 8.6 413 14
Corpus Christi 68.0 91 (1977) 48.1 13 (1989) 1.75 9.80 (1991) 6.81 (1991) 0.1 1.6 6.6 249 51
Dallas‑Fort Worth 56.5 90 (1951) 36.8 ‑1 (1989) 2.57 8.75 (1991) 4.22 (1991) 0.0 9.8 6.4 571 2
Del Rio 63.5 90 (1977) 41.2 10 (1989) 0.75 3.93 (1937) 2.40 (1994) 0.0 4.6 5.5 384 4
El Paso 57.4 80 (1973) 33.4 ‑5 (1880) 0.77 3.94 (1914) 1.76 (1987) 0.0 17.6 4.3 623 0
Galveston 64.3 80 (1918) 51.8 14 (1989) 3.53 10.28 (1887) 6.30 (1995) 0.0 0.9 8.5 245 30
Houston 64.6 85 (1995) 42.8 7 (1989) 3.69 14.38 (1923) 7.47 (1914) 0.0 5.1 9.4 367 25
Lubbock 53.2 83 (1939) 26.1 ‑2 (1989) 0.67 2.80 (1942) 1.50 (1942) 0.0 22.6 4.4 770 0
Midland 58.4 85 (1954) 31.2 ‑1 (1989) 0.65 3.30 (1986) 1.58 (1979) 0.0 17.8 3.6 622 0
Port Arthur 63.9 86 (1933) 44.5 12 (1989) 5.25 17.98 (1982) 9.98 (1982) 0.0 3.8 9.2 349 23
San Angelo 59.3 91 (1954) 33.5 ‑4 (1989) 0.94 3.98 (1991) 2.71 (1984) 0.0 14.2 4.7 562 1
San Antonio 64.0 90 (1955) 40.8 6 (1989) 1.96 13.96 (1991) 6.90 (1991) 0.0 6.2 7.8 391 15
Victoria 65.2 88 (1964) 45.2 9 (1989) 2.47 6.97 (1975) 6.12 (1975) 0.0 3.1 8.1 317 29
Waco 59.1 91 (1955) 37.5 ‑4 (1989) 2.76 11.76 (1913) 7.98 (1997) 0.0 9.4 6.7 512 6
Wichita Falls 54.5 88 (1954) 31.3 ‑7 (1989) 1.68 6.93 (1991) 3.12 (1926) 0.0 17.2 5.1 676 1
Shreveport, LA 58.5 84 (1955) 38.3 5 (1989) 4.55 15.55 (1884) 7.18 (1904) 0.0 10.8 9.7 522 7
Climatic averages are based on 1971-2000 monthly normals, which are provided by the National Climatic Data Center.
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